Sunday, July 31, 2011

Make a wish!

            It's been a while now since i posted something.The time just passed by i guess...My schedule was pretty full,so to say;I've been busy going to weddings,visiting the country side,having my birthday..Ha!How about that?I just turned 18 few days ago.Most of the people celebrate this age with enthusiasm,they prepare and make plans few months before,they get big parties where they invite all their friends...but not me,I refused to do any of that stuff.Some people would say I'll regret that latter on,and maybe they're right.Maybe I will regret it,maybe I'll wish I would've partied hard and invited lots of people and so on..but right now it doesn't feel that way.I'm not happy nor sad about becoming eighteen,I'm careless (don't know if that's the right word..hope you get what I mean).So what if I'm eighteen?Now I can drink legally,I can go to strip clubs,I can get a driving license (which I am,just signed up for the driving school ^_^) but with all that comes something I am responsible for my actions!I'm supposed to be a grownup now,or to start being one,and that's ok cause I've been waiting for this my whole life and now I got it.The question is:what if I won't like it?Becoming a grownup,being a grownup?I'm sure I've heard this many times "It's the journey that matters,not the destination".We,or I..rush for the destination and not enjoy the journey,the bad thing is that I'm aware of it but I keep doing it.That's just who I am.
This post turned out to be something else than what I was going for,guess I got caught up in the moment.Have a good night bloggers =]

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