Friday, July 15, 2011

Decisions decisions

How can a person know which decision was the right one?How could one know,left would've been better than right?As since you chose to go one way,the other way is unknown.Is it possible that left was better than right?Yes.Can you know if that possibility verifies to be true?No.You can only assume.People usually tend to assume they made the wrong choice when something goes bad,it's the human nature to blame and question your own decisions,but it's wrong.My point is,overthinking your actions and choices is pointless,you made a choice,you took an action,you made a with it!Cause in the end,all those decisions you've made your whole life,lead you to where you are right now.Some might take that the wrong way,cause if they're in a crappy situation right now they'll blame themselves...that's not right,cause tomorrow their whole situation might change,so I ask you..were all those bad decisions?Some might not get it,some might take it the wrong way,but I trust some will understand what I'm saying here.All I know is,I've been fascinated by this my whole life.Everytime I must take a decision I think about it for a bit,but then I stop and tell myself "Go with it fool!You might just be happy in the end".I hope someone agrees with me,and remember "Good things might come,to those who wait!"


  1. Your post have reminded me of a film Mr. Nobody. Weren't you inspired by that?

  2. I beleive I was,since it's on of my favorite movies and I've seen it for over 50 times
