Friday, October 28, 2011

The darkness takes over

 His care ceased long time ago but for some reason the blood is still rushing when those moments turn up.Those moments when he should feel something or's just anger.Adrenaline kicks in every time but he must not let it take control,cause if he does..Hell might just unleash.He's not afraid of the pits or the flames,that's just collateral.It's what happens after that scares him,when the flames are gone and the pits have vanished.
 How long will he be able to contain it,when will the beast finally break the cage to take over?He only hopes that such a moment will not occur,but that's as much as he can do.It happened before,the darkness took over and the beast showed its teeth.The evilness it's capable of,inspired so much fear that even it's master took a step back.It makes Doomsday seem like a fairytale.
Small cracks appear on the chains with every day they taunt him.
The beast knows that the day is near...



  1. It's fine (I remember you don't like such words as "perfect" :)) It seems to me, you're a very creative personality. Keep on working!

  2. aww haha!
    Never said I don't like it Uliana,I'm always happy to hear the best about my "writing" but I'm also a person that underrates his "creations",for the simple reason that it's better to underrate yourself than to overrate,isn't it now. xD
    Thanks for your lovely feedback
