Thursday, November 07, 2013

The window from afar

He sees the window from afar, as if divided by two frames. A yellow dim light brightens it up, a light that's always on when the darkness falls upon the window. It's far and yet so close.
One step, and through the clear glass he sees her.

-What are you doing, standing here by the window?
-I'm waiting for you, she says.

He looks at her but he can't see the details, just blurry shapes in a dim yellow light. He want's to reach to her but all he feels is cold glass. Their fingertips are against one another, melting the barrier between. Slowly and steady, soon there will be nothing to stop them. Every second that passes feels like eternity, but the seconds will pass. When that will happen he won't be on the outside anymore. She won't have to wait.

Echoing deep, she hears him "I'm almost there".



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Glad to know someone enjoys it :)

  2. i really appreciated your comment on my blog darling, thank you, really thank you.

    between 2011 and now, well the stories aren't that great. I was lost. Not that im claiming to be found or anything, but yea.. those where bad times.

    maybe i'll tell them, some day.
