Monday, December 26, 2011


Tonight someone asked me "what's your story?" and I realized it would take hours and hours,for my story to be told.Every each and one of us has a story I guess.No one actually asked me that question before to be honest,and it was nice for a change.It was different and it meant so much that I'm actually writing about it.I'm not easily impressed,it ain't easy to surprise me with questions.Yet,she managed to have an actual impact on myself.It's the little things like this one that I keep memories of.
Anyhow,my answer was rather vague and short,and that cause I wasn't expecting that question.I'll probably never meet her again,but if I do I'll try to answer it better.

Have a great Christmas night everyone!


  1. Yeah, an unusual question which I have never been asked.. And I probably wouldn't be able to answer but who would?

  2. I know right?That's a question you only hear in movies ;X

  3. I've been asked that before. I told them that when I was born, I existed. But now, I live. Thank you for your kind comment. :) You should write your life story. We all should. I would read it.

  4. happy new year love, hope you are ok...
    and ohmy what a silly chat up line, right?
    i also like "who are you?" which would be equally complicated to answer...


  5. Happy new year dear,I hope so too..
    It is indeed.Never heard that one,but when and if I do,I'll probably remember of you :x
    PS:thanks for the "hope you are ok",it's meaningless but yet it means so much for me!
