Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The gate

Walking below the leafless branches, through the dark place he once called forest. There is no forest anymore, the cold wind blew them all apart. One by one, they fell to the ground. Echoing in the dark as they hit the cold dirt. It's only now that he is able to notice all that's around him. He's in a maze.

He's been walking for long, hoping for more. Having no clue that he's slowly walking in circles, dancing with the leaves, talking to the wind. It is now, that he can truly see beyond the dark green veil, a veil that covered his eyes all along. 

From far away he notices, a tall iron gate. He starts running towards it, but the more he runs, the further he is. Every step he takes enlarges the distance. He can not reach the gate by any means, so he decides to stop. He stands still with his eyes closed as his arm reaches forward. Suddenly, he feels his fingertips against the gate. Eyes open and he sees it, the iron gate in front of him. A gate covered in dirt and rust, a gate that holds his dreams and hopes within.

In one swift motion he opens the gate and walks through it. The iron doors close behind him, and he wakes up in what appears to be another forest. He got out of the labyrinth, a labyrinth of smoke and ashes. He passed a gate but there's a thousand more to come. A thousand more, small paths to walk upon. He can not rest, and nor to stop. Another gate awaits him.



  1. I know that I have a gate in front of me that I need to open, but I couldn't seem to reach for it because I've been going around in circles, not knowing where I should go.
